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Get help for an order you've placed
For Unshipped Orders
Please let us know what the issue was with your item/order.
Please enter your Spoonflower order number.
Ask a question before you place an order
Please tell us which items you wish to return, or note if it is the whole order (ie: "item 1," "item id: 98765432," "all test swatches," etc.)
Please choose a fabric type.
Please choose a wallpaper type.
Please choose a home decor product.
Please choose a product.
Please choose a preferred reimbursement method. Note that refunds back to an original form of payment can take 1 to 30 days to appear back in an account. In-house Spoondollar credits are available for use as soon as the credit is processed, but can only be applied to active accounts -- please ensure you are registered and logged in to a Spoonflower account when requesting a Spoondollar credit.
Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.